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Streamline Your Business with Expert Microservices Consultation

With our 5+ years of expertise in microservices, your legacy systems can perform at the speed of your competition’s latest offerings. Our solutions combine AI, machine learning, and other innovative technologies to give you a competitive edge. We transform your business from the inside out, modernizing every aspect from the front end to the core business logic.

Our comprehensive approach ensures that your systems are up-to-date and efficient, ready to compete in today’s market. Our microservices transformation is swift and adaptable, designed to match your desired pace.

The Prioxis Advantage: Voice of Success.

Testimonials from Clients who have experienced unparalleled software development services to achieve their business goals with Prioxis.

Choosing Prioxis means partnering with a leader in data engineering, committed to excellence and innovation. Our approach combines deep industry knowledge with technical expertise in the latest technologies, ensuring solutions that are not just effective but also forward-thinking. With Prioxis, you gain a partner dedicated to unlocking the value in your data, driving growth, and enhancing operational efficiency.

Some Facts About Us

Years of Experience
Projects Delivered
Certified Developers
Development Hours Worked
On-Time, Within Budget Deliveries

Our Microservices Consulting Services

Transition to a scalable and efficient architecture with our all-inclusive microservices consulting. Our services include:

Microservices Assessment and Strategy

Get an evaluation of your current software architecture and identify opportunities for transition to microservices. We provide a strategic roadmap for your microservice journey, including languages, frameworks, databases, communication protocols, and infrastructure.

Microservices Development and Integration

Using technologies such as Java, JavaScript, Node.js, and Spring Boot, we build lightweight, decoupled services that are easy to maintain and scale. Our services include designing, building, and implementing microservices, defining APIs, setting up service discovery, and establishing the necessary infrastructure.

Achieve speed, flexibility, and scalability with our microservices development teams on demand.

A One-Stop Microservices Consulting Firm for Diverse Industrial Domains

Microservices enable a culture of innovation and collaboration across various industries, including:

  • Healthcare

  • Software and IT

  • Fintech

  • E-commerce

  • Education


Leverage our expertise to create secure and effective healthcare IT solutions using a microservices architecture. Ensure interconnection among diverse systems, such as electronic health records and billing, and more. Microservices enable healthcare systems to scale their components to manage changing loads while keeping data secure.


Why Choose Microservices Consultation Services from Prioxis?

Optimal Cost and Time Management

Benefit from our efficient cloud microservices to maximize your resources.

Top Industry Talent

Collaborate with the finest developers and designers in the industry.

Advanced Cloud Solutions

Leverage the latest cloud technologies to exceed service expectations.

  • Understanding your multiple platforms project vision
  • Translating business processes and requirements into functional designs
  • Creating an Architectural Blueprint
  • Planning budgets and identifying potential risks
  • Crafting a marketing and product development strategy

Want to modernize your systems with microservices?

Book a free consultation call and discover how our microservice consulting services can help.

  • Develop a Strong Migration Strategy

    • Move from monolithic applications to microservices with a personalized migration plan. Our consultants minimize downtime and ensure data integrity, aligning with your business goals and timelines.

  • Build Scalable Applications

    • Create solutions that can grow with your business. We design microservices architectures that allow for independent scalability, enabling you to divide resources and maintain performance under varying loads.

  • Achieve Seamless Integration

    • Ensure smooth interactions in a distributed environment. Our consultants develop communication patterns and APIs to ensure efficient and secure interactions between microservices, external applications, and third-party systems.

  • Strengthen Security and Compliance

    • Enhance security at every level with tailored security measures enforced at the individual service level. We aim to build a secure system that meets industry standards and compliance requirements.

  • Optimize Performance

    • Boost the efficiency of your microservices by analyzing and optimizing each service. We ensure top performance, reduce latency, enhance user experience, and lower operational costs.

Have a Project in Mind?

Blogs and Resources


  • 01

    When should I transition to the Microservices architecture?

    • If your monolithic application has become difficult to update, maintain, and scale due to its complexity. You should consider shifting to microservices if you encounter these issues: prolonged release cycles, adding new features without disrupting existing ones, scalability problems, changing requirements, debugging a monolithic codebase.

  • 02

    Are microservices suitable for my startup?

    • Microservices are ideal for businesses of all sizes, including startups with growing workloads and evolving requirements. This architecture provides the flexibility to scale applications based on workload demands. Its modular nature breaks down applications into manageable services, resulting in faster time to market.

  • 03

    How much time does it take to build a microservices architecture?

    • The time required to build a microservices architecture depends on several factors. Business requirements, application complexity, and available resources are some of these factors. At Prioxis, we assess your specific needs and provide an accurate timeline.

  • 04

    What is a microservice?

    • A microservice is a small, standalone service for a specific task. It can be managed separately, making it flexible and easy to maintain. This is unlike monolithic systems, where updates require changing the whole structure.

  • 05

    Are microservices still relevant?

    • Yes, microservices are still considered the best practice in modern software development. Their ability to allow independent deployment and scaling of services makes them ideal for dynamic and large-scale systems.

  • 06

    Is REST API a microservice?

    • No, a REST API is not a microservice. A REST API is an architectural style for developing networked applications. It enables communication between different systems. In contrast, microservices are an architectural approach. They involve developing software applications as a collection of small, independent services. REST APIs can be used within microservices architectures to ease communication between services.

  • 07

    What are the 3 C's of microservices?

    • The 3 C's of microservices are Communication, Coordination, and Control. Microservices communicate with each other over a network, coordinate their activities to achieve a common goal, and have control over their own data and functionality.

  • 08

    What is an example of a microservice in real-life?

    • Amazon's e-commerce platform is a prime example of microservices in action. It comprises diverse services like user management, cart management, order processing, and payment services. Each microservice performs a specific function.

  • 09

    What is a microservice vs. an API?

    • A microservice is an architectural approach to developing software applications as a collection of small, independent services. Each service performs a specific business function. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of protocols for building and integrating application software.

  • 10

    What do microservice developers do?

    • Our microservices developers design, develop, and maintain microservices-based applications. They ensure that each service is independent, scalable, and communicates with other services. Their responsibilities include handling the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of these services.