Project Brief

Hypex is an innovative Employee Management System that makes employee check-in and check-out easier for companies. Developed using Flutter, it works smoothly on both Android and iOS devices. This app streamlines how companies track employee work hours and handle related tasks. No more complicated processes - Hypex offers a simple and user-friendly way to manage employee time.

With personalized settings and strong security features, this employee database management system meets the diverse needs of modern businesses while keeping data safe.

Project Highlight




Human Resources

Business Model

Time & Material

Org Size


Business Goals

  • Streamline employee attendance tracking and work hours monitoring.
  • Provide a centralized platform for efficient employee leave management.
  • Enable self-service capabilities for employees to manage their schedules and request
  • Ensure compliance and oversight through secure authentication and administrative controls.


  • Manual Monitoring: Monitoring every employee's work process manually was not feasible, leading to inaccuracies and inefficiencies.
  • Task Management: As companies grew, the volume and complexity of tasks increased, making it difficult to manage with existing method

Technology Stack For Web & Mobile App Development.

With Expertise In These Technology Stack

  • Front-end

  • Back-end

  • Database

  • Mobile

  • Programming Language

Our Approach in Mobile App Development

Project Initiation

Conducted detailed discussions with stakeholders to understand business goals, challenges, and specific requirements.

Project Plan

Developed a detailed project plan including timelines, milestones, deliverables, and resource allocation.

Architecture Design

Defined the overall architecture of the application, including data flow, component interactions, and integration points.


Designed user interfaces focusing on user-friendliness and accessibility and created wireframes, mockups, and prototypes for key screens and features.


Prioritized and developed features in increments, starting with core functionalities like time tracking, check-in/check-out, and reporting.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Perform UAT with key stakeholders and end-users to validate the application meets requirements and expectations.

Continuous Improvement

Implement updates and new features based on user needs and technological advancements.

Results and Values Delivered

Workforce Management

By implementing automated time tracking, we achieved accurate records of employee work hours and included features for monitoring break times. This precise tracking helped organizations ensure that all break periods were properly accounted for.

User Experience

To enhance user experience, we supported personalized themes with dark and light options, catering to individual preferences and comfort. Push notifications were implemented to keep employees informed about important updates and reminders. Furthermore, the application provided a seamless check-in and check-out process, reducing the administrative burden on employees.

Employee Leave Management System

We streamlined the leave management process by enabling employees to add and edit leave requests directly within the application. Regularization requests for adjustments in work hours were also supported, allowing employees to manage their schedules efficiently. The application empowered employees to manage their own profiles, requests, and schedules, promoting self-management.

Administrative Control

The application supported multi-tenancy, allowing different departments or companies to use the app independently. Administrative control was maintained through features that allowed admins to approve or decline leave and regularization requests, ensuring oversight and control over the process.

  • Cross-Platform Development

  • Advanced Security

  • Scalable Architecture

Cross-Platform Development

Our development team leveraged Flutter, a robust framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Highlighting Our Technology Expertise

  • Microsoft Azure

    For a secure, scalable cloud environment that supports a pay-as-you-go model.

  • Clarity PPM Software

    To optimize project and portfolio management practices, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.

Certificates That Symbolize Excellence

Certificates highlighting our excellence in providing innovative Custom Enterprise Software Development, customer relationship management CRM, and top-quality technology solutions

Explore Our Achievements
Microsoft Gold PartnerMicrosoft Gold Partner
Microsoft Power BI PartnerMicrosoft Power BI Partner
Clutch Certificate for Top Mobile App DevelopersClutch Certificate for Top Mobile App Developers
Nasscom Certified CompanyNasscom Certified Company
Glassdoor ReviewsTop Rated on Glassdoor

Optimize your Business Hours Efficiently

With Unmatched Competence, Class-Apart Results, Growth Oriented Strategies.

Streamline employee time tracking and leave management with an automated, user-friendly mobile app.