If you've ever done a little reading on modern software project management methodologies, you've likely come across terms like Lean and Agile. While the two approaches are similar, and a lot of software developers get confused even in the professional industry, understanding the differences between the two will help you decide how to structure the real processes that drive bespoke software development.

What is the difference between Lean and Agile, or how are they similar? 

How do you know which one to use and when? We've got you covered!

Agile vs. Lean: A Historical Head-to-Head

Agile (1980s): Born out of frustration with sluggish software development (Waterfall method), Agile prioritizes speed and flexibility. The Agile Manifesto emphasizes continuous stakeholder involvement through short development cycles, allowing software to adapt to changing needs.

Lean (1970s): Inspired by minimizing waste in grocery store inventory, Taiichi Ohno's Toyota Production System (TPS) focused on efficiency. Lean principles were adopted for custom software development by Mary and Tom Poppendiek, focusing on eliminating waste throughout the software development process to deliver maximum value.

What is Agile?

Agile is now generally recognized in the technology industry as a set of ideals and concepts that guide software development. "The Agile Manifesto" outlines four values and twelve principles.

Agile, at its foundation, is exactly what you'd expect. It's agile. The methodology emphasizes flexibility, communication, collaboration, and simplicity.

What is Lean?

The term "lean" originated in lean manufacturing and is now used in operations. This is a collection of concepts designed to accomplish alignment, speed, and quality to consumer expectations.

To become lean, an organization seeks to eliminate components that do not provide value to the business. Such waste can be viewed in a variety of ways, ranging from mistakes in inventories and overproduction of products to lengthy approval processes and superfluous documentation.

The guiding principle behind lean operations is to focus solely on what adds value and eliminate superfluous items that waste time. With reduced waste, employees can operate at full efficiency.

Similarities between Agile and Lean:

- Quick Adaptation to Change:

Agile and Lean techniques are noted for their ability to quickly adapt to changes in requirements or conditions.

- Emphasis on continuous improvement:

Both techniques place a premium on continuous improvement, reviewing and improving working methods regularly to uncover development opportunities.

- Customer value prioritization:

Both Agile and Lean place a heavy emphasis on providing value to customers.

Agile accomplishes this by actively soliciting feedback from clients throughout the development process, whereas Lean focuses on delivering high-quality results that fulfill customer needs.

- Efficient timelines:

The Agile approach focuses on launching products in regular version releases, allowing for quick iteration and feedback integration.

Lean software project management strives to streamline the development process by avoiding superfluous stages and thus preserving efficiency timelines.

- Continuous Flow of Results:

Agile cuts down the development process into manageable portions, ensuring that value is delivered consistently with each iteration.

Lean delivers a steady flow of outcomes by eliminating waste and streamlining the manufacturing process to generate value more effectively and consistently.

Lean vs. Agile: Choosing the Right Software Development Approach

Lean and Agile are two common approaches to software development, however they approach efficiency from distinct perspectives. Let's look at the important distinctions to assist you choose the best fit for your project.


Lean: Optimizes the development process by removing waste (unnecessary stages) and delivering maximum value to the client.

Agile: Emphasizes adaptability and flexibility, enabling the project to adjust to changing needs throughout the development cycle.

Ideal projects:

Lean: Ideal for projects with well-defined needs and an emphasis on efficient production and delivery.

Agile is ideal for projects with changing requirements or unclear characteristics. Agile thrives in circumstances where rapid flexibility and responsiveness are required.

Key Advantages:

Lean: Lean methodology focuses on minimizing time and resources spent on needless tasks. It delivers high-quality software that prioritizes client value and encourages ongoing improvement through process optimization.

Agile: Adapts to changing demands and priorities during the development process. It produces functioning software in short iterations, allowing for early feedback and course correction and also encourages strong collaboration among developers and stakeholders.


Lean: Lean requires a cultural shift toward waste elimination and continual improvement. It may not be suitable for projects with very unclear requirements.

Agile: Can be disruptive if not managed properly, perhaps leading to pandemonium. Customers and stakeholders must be involved at all stages of the project.


Lean: Use Kanban boards and value stream mapping to visualize workflows and detect bottlenecks. Uses procedures such as Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management to reduce waste. Training in Lean principles and technologies is required for effective implementation.

Agile: Uses tools such as Agile boards and burn-down charts to monitor progress and remaining work. Follows a sprint (short development cycle) process, with daily standup meetings and regular retrospectives to analyze progress and change the plan. Agile training for roles (product owner, scrum master) and processes (sprints) is required.

Choose Your Approach:

When picking between Lean and Agile, consider the following factors:

  • Project needs: If the needs are well-defined and efficiency is a key concern, Lean may be an appropriate fit. Agile's adaptability is useful for projects that have changing requirements.
  • Team Culture: A culture of continuous improvement lays the way for Lean. Agile thrives in collaborative cultures that promote open communication.
  • Project Length: Lean may be appropriate for shorter, well-defined projects. Agile works well in lengthier projects where requirements may change over time.

Explore Further: Agile Vs Waterfall

Final words

While both Lean and Agile can lead to better productivity and customer satisfaction, the ideal method for your company depends on the specific project and general culture. Consider the project's requirements, your team's capabilities, and the project's timetable.

At Prioxis, we understand that having the perfect software development methodology is only half the battle; the right team is essential to success. If you’re looking to hire a skilled developer for your Agile or Lean projects, we’re here to help. Contact Prioxis today, and let us help you scale your team seamlessly.

Contact us Now to Discuss Your Project Requirements!

  • 01Is Agile or Lean the better methodology?

    • It's difficult to say which is superior because they're both used for different types of projects. However, if you have a well-thought-out project blueprint, Lean is generally the preferable option. If your goal is to release frequently and fast, Agile is the ideal option.

  • 02How do I know if my team is a good fit for Agile or Lean?

    • Agile suits teams that thrive on collaboration and frequent feedback, ideal for rapid development projects. Lean fits teams focused on optimizing processes and reducing waste. If adaptable, a Lean-Agile approach can offer the best of both.

  • 03Can I combine Lean and Agile principles?

    • Absolutely! This hybrid approach, commonly known as "Lean-Agile," takes advantage of the qualities of both approaches. You can use Agile approaches for iterative development and short sprints, while also using Lean concepts to detect and eliminate waste inside each sprint. This is particularly useful for complex projects that require both flexibility and efficiency.