Remember the last time you uploaded a picture to Instagram? And how you are able to see that picture every time you go through your feed. (even if you delete it from your phone). Not only you but millions of users upload photos on Instagram every second. 

Ever wondered how Instagram stores this vast amount of data? Well, this is made possible with a simple technology called cloud computing. Instagram runs its infrastructure on AWS (cloud service provider), allowing it to store all the photos and videos in a scalable and reliable manner.

By utilizing cloud computing, Instagram can handle the high volume of uploads. This enables a smooth user experience without interruptions. But what exactly is cloud computing, and what are the advantages of Cloud Applications for your business?

The Basics of Cloud Computing

The cloud in the term cloud computing refers to the internet. Cloud computing provides virtual omnipresent storage of data and access to computer software over the internet. The cloud service provider stores and maintains this data on your behalf on physical servers. 

This means your organization can store and utilize all the valuable data anywhere and anytime without storing it on hard drives and other storage devices.

Cloud Computing Models

The types of cloud computing describe how you can use the cloud for your company. 

Platform as a service (PaaS)

PaaS is a platform where developers can build, run, and manage applications without maintaining their own infrastructure. You will still need to write code and manage the application, but the rest (platform to build and deploy application) is managed by your cloud service provider. 

If you need a unified platform where all your developers can work on a single project, you must go for PaaS. 

Google App Engine, OpenShift, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Apache Stratos, Magento Commerce, SAP Cloud, etc are examples of PaaS.

Software as a service (SaaS)

If you need a ready-to-go application, SaaS is the answer. With SaaS, you get everything in one place. Through SaaS, you can access prebuilt software via a browser, and the provider manages the software's updates, maintenance, and security. 

If you are a startup, this can be an excellent option because of the need for more resources to deploy your own application.

Salesforce, Cisco WebEx, Dropbox, ZenDesk, MailChimp, Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365 are a few examples of SaaS. 

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

As the name suggests, in IaaS, you can rent physical infrastructure( servers and storage). You can opt for this to avoid setting up expensive data centers or purchasing hardware and making IaaS cost effective. Some well-known examples of cloud infrastructures are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Compute Engine (GCE), IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

You can choose any form of cloud computing services as per your business needs. Now, let's dive into the advantages cloud computing could offer your organization.

Top 9 Benefits Of Cloud Computing

Reduction in Expenses

What will cost your business more: Setting up an entire on-site IT infrastructure or having an option for on-demand capacity expansion or reduction? For cloud you only need to pay when you use the resources.) In fact, Half of all CIOs and IT leaders surveyed by Bitglass reported cost savings as a result of using cloud-based applications. You can save 40% on the cost of physical space by reducing in-house servers with cloud storage.

With cloud storage, you can eradicate the need for costly data storage devices and reduce the cost of maintenance. Plus, you need not make an upfront investment as you only need to pay a fixed price for storage.

Get A More Secure Setup

You must be wondering why safety is on this list of top benefits of cloud computing! As it is usually considered a significant challenge when opting for Cloud Native Development Services because a third party usually manages your data. Despite this, cloud computing is safer than in-house servers. 

Here is a small proof: RapidScale claims that 94% of businesses saw an improvement in security after switching to the cloud, and 91% said the cloud makes it easier to meet government compliance requirements. 

This is because cloud providers often offer more secure setups like encryption, multi factor authentication, and frequent updates and patches. Also, cloud service providers have teams trained in cyber security and a disaster recovery plan, ensuring your business runs smoothly. 

Expand Your Capacity When Needed

Imagine increasing or decreasing the size of the physical warehouse to meet your storage needs. It's almost impossible. However, it is possible to do so using virtual machines with cloud computing. As you can increase or decrease the computing resources as per changing workloads.

This is done by adding or removing servers, storage, and networking capabilities without hampering your existing hardware capacity, making it one of the main advantages of cloud applications.

Become More Innovative

Suppose you want to test a new idea now. If you have an in-house server, running the updates with all those hardware limitations and slow procurement processes may take time.

However, with the advantages of Cloud Applications, you can be flexible when quickly testing and deploying your ideas. Because even if you need to increase bandwidth, you can get it soon with cloud. 

This is why software development and maintenance efficiency increases by 38% when cloud computing is used practically. Also, a 65% majority of respondents to an InformationWeek survey said “the ability to quickly meet business demands” was one of the most important reasons a business should move to a cloud environment.

Access Information Anytime, Anywhere 

Suppose one of your salespeople is pitching a product to a potential buyer (outside the office), and the buyer suddenly asks a question the salesperson cannot answer. Now, if they can access all product information on their mobile phone, they can quickly answer questions.

This can be made possible with cloud computing. As your employees can access any information through the cloud from any device and quickly share that information with relevant parties anywhere in the world.

Data Insights

Data is a superpower for your business in the present scenario. With Cloud Native Application Development, you not only store and access data but also get insights from it.

Many cloud-based storage solutions also provide organized analytics that you can study to understand business operations better. This keeps you updated with what's going on with your business and helps you take corrective measures to improve it.

One example is the beverage company Sunny Delight, which increased profits and slashed staffing costs through cloud-based business insights.

Centralized Data Storage

Many similar data may be stored in various systems when your organization grows. This leads to repetition and confusion.

However, all your data will be stored in one place and in exact format, with the advantages of Cloud-based Application. This makes finding any information more accessible for your team and avoids redundancy.

Competitive Advantage

77% of businesses think cloud technology gives them a competitive advantage, and 16% believe it is significant. So, if your competitors still use in-house servers, taking Advantages of Cloud-based Applications and services can give you a leading edge in the market.

Also, did you know? Using AWS generative AI, Pfizer, a leading vaccine company, created first drafts of patent applications and medical and scientific content for human review and finalization. The advantages of Cloud-based Applications not only saved their time but also brought breakthroughs to patients faster.

Additionally, the generative AI-powered virtual assistants deployed over the cloud can answer repetitive customer queries in the retail and banking sectors, helping free up executives' time with its operating system. According to Dell, companies investing in big data, cloud native architecture, mobility, and security enjoy faster revenue growth than their competitors. 

Good for Planet 

Cloud Native Development Services has many advantages when it comes to your business. However, do you know Cloud-Native services can benefit our planet?

Migrating from on-premise to Cloud-Native technologies can help companies reduce their energy consumption and you can also stretch carbon emission reductions to 98% by configuring applications for the cloud. 

So, Cloud Native Development Services is a win-win for businesses and the environment.

It's Time to Take Your Business to the Cloud

Today, businesses face increasing challenges, like managing big data, and must adapt rapidly to changing scenarios. Cloud computing can become a savior for your business and help you overcome these challenges. However, it’s essential to remember that cloud transition isn’t necessarily an all-or-nothing condition. 

Many businesses are going for a hybrid approach to cloud native development, helping them increase the capacity of their existing infrastructure while still working in the best environment for their business. 

You can also go for the same. If you are planning to go for cloud native application development but need help understanding where to start, we can help. Our experienced developers are committed to providing the maximum benefit from microservices architecture and Cloud Native Development Services.

  • 01How are cloud services charged?

    • Cloud vendors use different pricing mechanisms such as usage-based, subscription-based, and dynamic usage. They also offer a "Pay as you Go" model, which means you pay for what you use and terminate services when you don't need them. This helps cloud vendors save on hardware and operations costs through outsourcing.

  • 02Does my business have to shift to the cloud completely?

    • No, you can choose which parts of your business to move to the Cloud based on your specific needs. Cloud computing solutions range from backing up your files online to moving your entire server infrastructure to the Cloud. It's important to figure out which cloud computing solutions fit your business needs.

  • 03Is the Cloud safe?

    • Yes, the Cloud is generally safer than most private data centers because cloud providers like Amazon and Google hire talented engineers and use advanced security measures such as isolating workloads, encrypting data, and detecting potential threats.